

Foundation Level (CEFR A1)

MAGICAL is a rich, versatile and engaging fifth grade program offering a variety of up-to-date reading texts as well as context-based learning of vocabulary and grammar, while enhancing speaking skills.

MAGICAL is designed for the New English Curriculum.  It fulfils the requirements of the Foundation Level in accordance with the CEFR A1 (Basic) level:

  1. Band 1 Vocabulary and Lexical Chunks
  2. Can-Do Statements
  3. Band 1 Grammar
  4. Phonics patterns and practice


MAGICAL Course Book

  1. Extensive teaching, practice, and recycling of Band 1 vocabulary
  2. Presentation of phonics rules fully integrated with vocabulary
  3. Abundance of listening and speaking activities
  4. Original stories and texts with vivid illustrations
  5. Topics that are engaging and stimulate interest
  6. Assessment and extramural activities


MAGICAL Workbook

  1. Three levels of fully integrated practice
  2. An Alternative Focus on Form (Grammar) practice section
  3. Practice of phonics rules along with phonic texts
  4. A wide range of authentic text types
  5. Variety of independent reading passages at different levels
  6. Step-by-step scaffolding for writing tasks
Program Includes