Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 5
Grade 6

The Detectives
Foundation Level Stage 3 (CEFR A1)
Meet Kate, Tom, Professor Sparky and the detectives – Jack and Amy. The young detectives in the story—and students in the classroom—use a wide variety of visuals, texts, clues, and assessment tasks to help them solve mysteries. This process takes students from applying lower order thinking skills (LOTS) to using higher order thinking skills (HOTS).
Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation are thinking processes that students undergo during each unit of study. Seamlessly and enjoyably!
- Authentic literature
- THE DETECTIVES in the heterogeneous classroom:
- Rich in HOTS and LOTS
- Range of text types and writing tasks
- Intensive practice of grammar and vocabulary
- Digital Learning Platform
- Workbook with Pull-Out Worksheets
- Self-Tests
- Board Game and Playing Pieces
Program Includes